Western Pennsylvania Repeater Council
Meeting Notes
January 15, 2006

The Jan. 15th meeting was held at the Mercer Pa. 911 Center. Meeting called to
order by Chairman David Crise (N3GPM) at 1330 hrs. There were 14 members
present. Greetings and introductions made. Those present were N3JXG N3WMV

Reading of minutes from last meeting by N2EVA. Two corrections made from prev.
meeting made. Motion to approve amended minutes by K3EKE second by

Treasurers Report by Denny (N3EJY)
Beginning Balance Oct. 15, 2005 $2680.46
Receipts Income from dues & donations $110.00 total
Disbursements: check $524 $56.07 Secretary Supplies (mailing)
Treasurer's Receipt Book $8.00 Total $64.07
Balance January 15, 2006 $2726.39
Motion to approve W3YZR, Second by KF4RMA

Frequency Coord. Report: Report was made by Joe (KR3P) 43 final coord. 01
proposed coord. 01 OTA. 02 denied. Total of 47 items acted upon. In 2005 there
were 126 items acted on and so far in 2006 there have been 08 items acted on.
As 1/15/06 all items received have been acted upon. Repeater info has been sent
to ARRL for the directory.

Old Business: None

New Business:
1. Denny (N3EJY) is to look into setting up 2 separate accts. With $2000
surplus funds to generate more income for our bank account.

2. Transfer trusteeship of 146.97 to W3YZR
Motion to approve KF4RMA second by N3WKV

3. Transfer trusteeship of 147.375 to NJ3T
Motion to approve-(N3WKV) second by N2EVA

4. Add 442.025 to SNP list. Motion to approve (N3TNA) second K3EKE

5. Change April meeting from 16th to 23rd due to Easter. Motion to approve KF4RMA
And second by WB3BFC

Good of Council

Thank you from KF4RMA for coordination help
Clyde (N3JXG) had questions about the 147.300 repeater status.

Motion by Barry (N3TNA) at 1410 to adjourn second by K3EKE

Submitted for approval by Ron (N2EVA)

Please note that all meeting notes are subject to review and editing at the
next available W.P.R.C. meeting.