Western Pennsylvania Repeater Council
Subject: July 20, 2008 Meeting Notes

The July 20, 2008 WPRC meeting was held at the COG Building in State College, PA.
The meeting was called to order at 1355 by Chairman Dave Crise N3GPM.
There were eight (8) members present: N3GPM, KE3EI, N3EJY, KR3P, N3TNA, W3JXP, N3BPB
and KB3HPC.

Minutes of previous meeting:
There were no minutes from the April meeting due to an illness with the Secretary, N2EVA.
Everyone wishes Ron a speedy recovery.

Treasurers Report:
Denny N3EJY gave the following report:
Ending balance as of April 20, 2008 was $986.23
Income from dues: $90.00
Disbursements: Ron N2EVA: $41.00 for postage
Balance as of July 20, 2008: $1053.23
12 month money market CD: $1012.50
Motion to approve the Treasurers report was made by N3BPB and seconded by N3TNA.

Frequency Coordinator Report:
The frequency coordinators report was given by Joe KR3P.
There were 33 items actued upon since the April meeting:
11 final coordination's, 2-WPA/9 other
6 Initial coordination's
9 proposed coordination;s
5 voided (2 out of state)
2 OTA notifications

Old Business-None

New Business
Joe, KR3P gave a report on a 440 Mhz band plan from T-MARC coordinating group regarding
D-STAR repeaters. Denny, N3EJY suggested sending a letter to T-MARC voicing WPRC's concerns
regarding this band plan. Motion was made by Dave, N3GPM and seconded by Dennis KB3HPC.

Joe, KR3P requested that the new co-ordination forms be used and that the forms be put on the
web page and in the newsletter. Joe also requested an embossing stamp for co-ordination
Motion was made by Denny, N3EJY and seconded by Barry, N3TNA.

Denny, KB3HPC had some questions regarding 440 Mhz frequencies and government radar

Election of officers will take place at the October 19, 2008 meeting.

Motion to adjourn was made at 1420 by Denny, N3EJY and seconded by Phil, KE3EI

Thanks to John, W3JXP for the great Penn State ice cream !!!

These meeting notes are not official, and are subject to revision at the next WPRC meeting.