Western Pennsylvania Repeater Council, Inc.

Board of Directors

The WPRC Board of Directors consist of an elected Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer. The election is held at the WPRC Annual Meeting held in October of each year. The Frequency Coordinator is appointed by the WPRC Board of Directors. Per the WPRC Constitution, two officers are elected every year for a two year term. Chairman and Treasurer are elected one year, followed by the Vice Chairman and Secretary positions the following year. The current members of the WPRC Board of Directors are:

Chairman:  Bryan Simanic - WA3UFN  email

Vice Chairman:  Aaron Miller - AC3DB  email

Secretary:  Christine Rial - N3LRG  email

Treasurer:  Paul Bidzilya - AB3PJ  email

Frequency Coordinator:  Joe Shupienis - W3BC (appointed):  email

Technical Committee Chairman and Assistant to FC:  Kevin Custer - W3KKC  (appointed):

Publicity Committee Chariman & Webmaster (appointed)-  Aaron Miller - AC3DB  email

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Page Last Updated July 8, 2024 - WA3UFN