If you want to know how to prepare your 'Frequency Coordination Application' and other coordination matters,
please follow the highlighted link to the "WPRC Coordination Forms - FAQ" web page.


 WPRC Frequency Coordination - FAQ Index

Please click on the highlighted words to obtain information on the subject.

1.   What is frequency coordination?
2.   Why is frequency coordination necessary?
3.   What if my station is not coordinated?
4.   What types of stations are coordinated?
5.   What are the frequencies available for coordination?
6.   Why was my application denied ?
7.   How long will it take to process my coordination application ?
8.   Why does it take so long to get a frequency coordination ?
9.   How do I find what stations are coordinated * In * Western Pennsylvania ?
10. How do I find what stations are coordinated * Outside* Western Pennsylvania ?
11. What can I do if I receive interference from another station while using one ?
12. What can I do if I receive interference from another station on my coordinated frequency ?
13. What can I do if I receive signals from another station on my coordinated frequency ?
14. What can I do if I receive interference from another station on my uncoordinated frequency ?
15. Do I have to have frequency coordination ?

16. How do I contact the Western Pennsylvania Repeater Council Frequency Coordinator ?
17. How long until I can expect a reply ?
18. Can you explain the coordination process ?
19. Is membership in WPRC required for frequency coordination ?

1.  What is frequency coordination?
Frequency Coordination is a method to minimize interference among fixed-frequency stations while maximizing use of the
limited radio spectrum available to the Amateur Radio Service by planning what specific frequency or frequencies a given
station will operate on in a specific area. Frequency coordinators provide these planning services by maintaining records
of existing systems and by approving applications for frequencies used by new stations. This is a generalization of what
frequency coordination is, but it should be quite sufficient for the purposes of this FAQ.
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2. Why is frequency coordination necessary?
To understand why frequency coordination is necessary, you must first understand the limitations of certain types of stations.
Changing frequency for most modern home stations is as easy as turning a dial or hitting a few buttons. The operator is in close
proximity to the transceiver and can easily compensate for interference from another station on a nearby frequency (or a
distant station on the same frequency) within seconds.

Virtually all repeater stations will require one or more frequency specific components such as duplexers, filters, isolators,
circulators,  multi-couplers, combiners, or other pieces of equipment.
In addition, most repeaters use transmitters, receivers and in some cases even antennas that cannot change operating frequency
easily if at all. Control receivers and link transmitters also must use fixed frequencies for a variety of additional reasons.
Control receivers must be on a known frequency in order to be accessible by control operators at a moments notice.
Links must relay signals to other stations instantly.

It is virtually impossible for a receiver to 'search the band' looking for the
frequency the link transmitter 'on the other end' happens to be operating on at any given point in time. Similarly, it would be
exceedingly difficult should an operator have to search the band for a repeater located in a specific area every time they
wanted to call another operator.

The repeater input and output frequencies must be known in advance. Not all systems
can share the same frequency due to mutual interference, so each must operate on its own unique frequency or set of frequencies
in a given area. The users of a particular system will then know where to 'find' it when needed.

The frequencies used for coordinated stations (commonly called a 'bandplan' or 'frequency utilization plan' or something
similar) vary somewhat in different parts of the country. To find out what the 'bandplan' is in WPA, please visit our
"WPRC Spectrum Band Plans" web page. It is a good idea to know the bandplan in your area even if you do not use coordinated systems.
Frequency coordination is also necessary, or at least is in the best interests of all repeater stations, due to the following FCC rule: 97.205(c):
"Where the transmissions of a repeater causes harmful interference to another repeater, the two station licensees are equally and
responsible for resolving the interference unless the operation of one station is recommended by a frequency coordinator and the operation
of the other station is not. In that case, the licensee of the non-coordinated repeater has primary responsibility to resolve the interference."
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3. What if my station is not coordinated?
If your station is not coordinated, and should be (see FAQ 4), you risk several potential problems.
First, if your station should cause interference to a coordinated station, you will be responsible for resolving the interference -
even if that means you must terminate operation on the affected frequency. See CFR 47 Part 97.205(c) quoted in FAQ 2.
Second, someone else could apply for coordination on the same frequency at a location that could cause mutual interference.
Should that happen, you will still be responsible for resolving the interference. Coordination gives you a protected coverage
area in which no other coordinated stations should interfere. That means if someone else puts a station on that is not
coordinated, you will then have the upper hand under CFR 47 Part 97.205(c) and they would have to resolve the problem.
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4. What types of stations are coordinated?
The following types of stations are typically coordinated. Note this is an ever changing list:
1. Repeater stations
2. Control frequency stations
3. Link stations
4. Packet stations (however packet coordination operates differently due to the nature of packet)
5. Almost any fixed-frequency station
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5. What are the frequencies available for coordination?
Please review the WPA bandplan at WPRC Spectrum Band Plans" web page, the "WPRC Repeater Directory-Frequency Listing",
and/or the "WPRC Repeater Frequency Selection Tool".
The band segments for the operations in FAQ 4 are those available. Specific frequency availability will depend on existing
coordinated operations on or near any given frequency.
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6. Why was my application denied?
Applications are denied for one of the following reasons, in order of 'popularity' :
1. Another station is coordinated at a location that would cause mutual interference if your station were in operation. This may
    be on the same frequency or adjacent frequencies or does not meet the spacing requirements required under WPRC's or
   surrounding coordinator' s guidelines.
2. You requested a frequency that does not meet the WPA bandplan. (see "WPRC Spectrum Band Plans")
3. You requested a frequency that is not on a standard repeater frequency.  (see "WPRC Repeater Frequency Selection Tool" )
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7. How long will it take to process my coordination application?
That usually depends on the band involved. Some can take less than 30 days. Others, particularly on bands such as the 2 Meter
band, can take several months. The typical coordination will be processed in 60-90 days provided your paperwork
is properly completed. This time frame is from the date your application is received by the frequency coordinator. Applications
not meeting the spacing requirements are usually processed within 30 days from the time of receipt, as there is no need to consult
surrounding frequency coordinators. For additional details, see FAQ 18.
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8. Why does it take so long to get a frequency coordination?
I could basically say " see FAQ 18" which explains the process. The short answer is that there are a lot of coordinated stations
on the air, and it takes time to review applications and conduct studies of the frequencies for which the application was filed.
The typical application has to be reviewed by several coordinators, as repeater systems usually have coverage outside the
WPA section, and could impact other areas such as WV, MD, EPA, NY, OH, or even Canada.
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9. How do I find what stations are coordinated in WPA?
WPRC publishes a list of coordinated repeaters at "WPRC Repeater Directory".
While this list is very complete, there are some stations which the owners have elected to not make published. These stations
are omitted from the Repeater Directory (both the ARRL's publications as well as WPRC's Online Repeater Directory.
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10. How do I find what stations are coordinated *outside* WPA?
Similar to FAQ 9, other coordinators have Online Repeater Directories. The following list are those known at this time:
Ohio: See the "Ohio Area Repeater Council" web page for more information.
West Virginia: No published information. See "South Eastern Repeater Association" web page for more information.
Maryland: See "The Mid-Atlantic Repeater Council" web page for more information.
Eastern Pennsylvania: See "Area Repeater Council of Eastern Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey" web page
for more information.
New York (Central): See the "Upper New York Repeater Council" web page for more information.
Western New York/Southern Ontario: See the "Western New York-Southern Ontario Repeater Council" for more information.

No claim is made by WPRC as to the accuracy of these lists. Each is updated by their respective frequency coordination organization.
Most repeater councils, including WPRC, consider their repeater databases as copyrighted material, which can only be used with permission.

There are also 'online repeater databases' located on the internet. You can find a list of them by using your favorite search engine
and searching for 'repeater databases'. The accuracy of these online databases may not be current, as the information gathered
may or may not be accurate, due to the way that the information is gathered. Use them at your own risk.

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11. What can I do if I receive interference from another station while using one?
That all depends on what is causing the interference. If other stations are using the repeater you need, ask that they let you join in
or make a call. If other stations are using the repeater OTHER than the one you need, you may have to wait until they are finished
before you can make contact. This will only work if the repeater is employing CTCSS/CDCSS on their receiver. Otherwise, you
will access their repeater as well as the one you want to access. In general try using a directional antenna pointed at the
repeater you want to access. Not only will this better reject any other repeaters, but will increase your signal into the repeater
you want to access.
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12. What can I do if I receive interference from another station on my coordinated frequency?
Again, that all depends on what is causing the interference. If the interference is due to a band opening (enhanced band
conditions that allow signals to travel farther than they normally would), then there may be little you can do other than
employ CTCSS/CDCSS encode on your repeater's input and output, and employ CTCSS/CDCSS on your transmitter
and receiver. If the interference is coming from a local uncoordinated station, you can explain this to them and request that
they cease operations. It may help to explain CFR 47 Part 97.205(c) to them. If they, too are coordinated, you should
notify WPRC of the circumstances. Please do not notify WPRC of interference due to band openings. We all know they
happen, and cannot be predicted or accounted for in the coordination process.
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13. What can I do if I receive signals from another station on my coordinated frequency?
Receiving signals on your coordinated frequency is not interference. In crowded bands such as the 2 Meter band,
hearing distant stations is normal. These signals should not interfere with your coordinated operation in your coverage area.
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14. What can I do if I receive interference from another station on my uncoordinated frequency?
There is little you can do other than change frequency. There is nothing WPRC can do for you.
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15. Do I have to have frequency coordination?
No, you don't. However given the benefits of frequency coordination it is to your advantage to obtain it in order to protect
your valuable investment.
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16. How do I contact the WPA Frequency Coordinator?
Via email sent to 'wprcemail', or via USPS mail sent to
the WPRC mailing address found on the "WPRC HomePage". These are the ONLY two ways WPRC receives official
correspondence. No other email address or USPS address is considered official correspondence, and may not receive
a reply. You can also contact WPRC directly at one of our quarterly meetings. See "WPRC Meeting Schedule" for
more information.
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17. How long until I can expect a reply?
Email is generally answered the same day, but may take up to 7 days if research is required. USPS mail is generally answered
equally as prompt, but email is preferred.
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18. Can you explain the coordination process?
The coordination process starts with your completion of an "Application For Frequency Coordination" (form WPRC-100), available at
"WPRC Frequency Coordination Forms" web page.Your application is mailed to the permanent WPRC mailing address
shown on the "WPRC Home Page" web page. Do not send your application to any other address.

When your mail is received, it is forwarded to the WPRC Secretary so it can be logged in and assigned a unique
'Correspondence Log
Number' (This is what the 'WPRC Log#' is for on the top right of the application) . It is then copied where a
permanent file is maintained of all incoming correspondence, and the original is sent to the Frequency Coordinator for processing.

Upon receipt by the Frequency Coordinator, your application is reviewed for completeness and legibility. If there are any questions,
the Frequency Coordinator may request answers or clarifications.

If your application is in order, the first frequency choice will be reviewed and compared to surrounding co-channel and
adjacent-channel coordinated systems to see if the current WPRC coordination standards are met.
If the first choice does not meet the current standards for spacing, the second frequency is evaluated, then the third if
necessary. Using the first frequency that meets the standards, your application information is entered in the coordination database',
assigned a unique 'Coordination Number' (the space on the top left of the application) , and a 'Notice of Proposed Coordination,
or NPC, is issued to any adjacent coordinators within 150 miles of your system's location.

When the NPC is issued, the adjacent coordinators have 30 days to review and either approve the NPC or object to it.
If they object, and the reason is valid based on their coordination policies, the process starts over with the next frequency choice if any exist.
if they all approve, the NPC is rolled over into an 'Initial Coordination' and becomes official as a coordinated frequency effective the date

your application was received.

This 'Initial Coordination' is sent to you via USPS mail. At this point, you have 6 months to build and activate your
system. This period may be extended at the discretion of the Frequency Coordinator. Your 'Initial Coordination' DOES have an
expiration date, and no guarantee is made that an extension will be granted.

When your transmitter is on the air and operational
AS COORDINATED, you then submit an 'On Air Notice' to the WPRC advising that your system is on the air. This On Air Notice
goes through the same path as the application, and once received your system goes into testing mode for 90 days to ensure that no
unforeseen interference issues have arisen. The OAN may be submitted via USPS mail or emailed to 'wprc@wprcinfo.org'
for your convenience. This email is will receive the same processing as received USPS mail, and the forwarding will be performed
automatically by the email servers. It will still be logged in as official correspondence and receive another 'Correspondence Log Number'.

After the testing period has passed, you will be sent a 'Final Coordination' which you keep in your permanent records to show proof
of coordination if needed. In general, if your system does not change operating parameters, this coordination will be valid forever.

Periodically, status requests will be sent out in order to 'weed out' dead or abandoned systems. This usually happens about every
10 years. If your system has not changed and is still on the air, a simple reply with these facts will be all that is required, and a new
coordination document will be issued and will supersede the previous coordination document. If you need to change one of your
coordination parameters, you will need to send in a 'Coordination Modification' form (the same WPRC-100 form as your original
application) and apply for a modification of your coordination. If the change is significant, the same process will be applied to your
modification request as was applied to your original application.

For specifics on how to fill out the forms for a modification, please see the Coordination Form FAQ web page.
Any submission may take some time. How much? See FAQ #7.
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19. Is membership in WPRC required to apply for coordination?
Membership is not required, but is encouraged. See WPRC Membership Application web page for more information.
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Updated: 8/21/2024 - WA3UFN
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